These Associate degrees prepare students for transfer into many different 4 year programs. Career oriented Science specializations include: Health Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Agriculture and Computer Science. Those interested in Engineering careers can choose the Engineering program or a specialization in Engineering Construction.
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees
Associate of Science (AS) Degrees
Career Studies Certificates (CSC)
Career Training Certifications
Program Types
AAS - Designed to prepare students to directly enter the workforce. Some programs may transfer to 4-year institutions.
AS & AA - Designed to transfer to a 4-year institution.
Certificate - Programs that are less than two years in length in an occupational area.
CSC - Programs that are less than one year of length in an occupational area.
Career Training Certifications - Non-credit courses for business and industry training, retraining, and certifications, as well as personal enrichment.