Engineering: Engineering Construction Major

Engineering – Engineering Construction at Virginia Western Community College prepares you to transfer to building construction or construction engineering management programs at many universities around the country, but particularly in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Check out the schools and programs at Virginia Tech: The Myers-Lawson School of Construction. Begin your journey today to construct the next smart building!

This is an Associate of Science Degree that is intended for transfer. Local Job Opportunities listed are for applicants who have successfully transferred and completed a Bachelor’s or Graduate degree.

Transfer Agreements

Students that graduate from Virginia Western with an associate degree and a minimum grade point average may obtain GUARANTEED admission to more than 30 of the commonwealth’s colleges and universities. Click here for a list of Virginia Transfer Partners. Virginia Western also has its own agreements with several colleges and universities that can be found on our Transfer Agreements page.

Explore Careers Related to This Pathway


Est. Tuition*: $
Credits: 68 Hours
Time: 2 Years

*Estimated cost reflects in-state rate and is subject to change


The cost of attendance is an estimate of the costs a student may have while at Virginia Western.

Click here for the cost of attendance for financial aid.


Fax: 540-857-6022

Mailing address:
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
3080 Colonial Ave., SW
Roanoke, VA 24015


Dr. Richard L. Clark, Jr.
Professor, Engineering

B.S. – VPI & SU, 1991
M.S. – VPI & SU, 1994
Ph.D. – VPI & SU, 1996