TRIO Student Support Services is a federally funded educational grant designed to provide selected students with counseling, advising, and instructional support services. Program services are supplemental to other services available to all students at Virginia Western Community College. While students are ultimately responsible for their success, the purpose of Student Support Services is to assist program participants stay in school, maintain good academic standing, and to help them graduate and/or transfer from Virginia Western Community College.
TRIO makes the following commitments to program participants:
- To provide accurate, timely, and consistent academic advising and priority registration.
- To provide educational, vocational, and limited short-term personal counseling.
- To provide free one-on-one tutoring in up to two classes per semester in most academic subjects. (Some exceptions may apply.)
- To provide instruction in academic skill building and learning strategies.
- To provide assistance in transferring to four-year colleges/universities.
- To provide assistance in obtaining financial aid at VWCC and transfer institutions.
- To provide culturally enriching field trips and extracurricular activities, as funds permit.
- To serve as consultants to members of the student’s significant social group (parents, siblings, other family members), when appropriate.
- To provide appropriate referrals to other College offices/personnel as well as to local community agencies.
- To assist College faculty and staff to understand, communicate with, and to relate positively to the student.
Contact Us
Student Life Center S207
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
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