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Join us for “I Persist” panel discussion on Feb. 5
Virginia Western Community College invites the public to attend a free discussion, I Persist, where panelists will share inspiring stories of how they overcame obstacles to gain their education and build fulfilling careers and lives. Members of the panel will share their journey, answer questions… Continue Reading Join us for “I Persist” panel discussion on Feb. 5
CCAP: Building tomorrow’s leaders
In Spring 2017, Cassidy Peters graduated from Virginia Western with an associate in science degree, Phi Theta Kappa honors and dreams of becoming a health care administrator in the mold of Lisa Cuddy on Fox TV’s “House, M.D.” What brought you to Virginia Western? I… Continue Reading CCAP: Building tomorrow’s leaders
What has CCAP meant to you?
Roy Dwyer is all about “paying it forward.” He is contributing to his great-niece’s college fund because his parents helped contribute to his two daughters’ college funds. He also donated to Virginia Western’s Community College Access Program immediately after his youngest daughter, Kaitlyn, graduated in… Continue Reading What has CCAP meant to you?
YOU are helping #MakeCollegePossible
MaLora Bush. Yadav Sapkota. Cody Gump. Alexie Jean-Jacques. Recognize the names of these current or former Virginia Western students? Did you help them take a step further in overcoming life obstacles and achieving their academic goals? Each of these students is deeply thankful for the… Continue Reading YOU are helping #MakeCollegePossible
YOU are helping #MakeCollegePossible
MaLora Bush. Yadav Sapkota. Cody Gump. Alexie Jean-Jacques. Recognize the names of these current or former Virginia Western students? Did you help them take a step further in overcoming life obstacles and achieving their academic goals? Each of these students is deeply thankful for the… Continue Reading YOU are helping #MakeCollegePossible Continue Reading YOU are helping #MakeCollegePossible
Saying thank you to our military and veteran students
As we come to the close of November, the month of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, it seems to be a fitting time to show appreciation and highlight Virginia Western’s military and veteran students and the resources available to them. For service members, returning home can… Continue Reading Saying thank you to our military and veteran students