Have you spotted the mini police vehicle on campus? Wondered what it does and why it’s here?

The MotoEV Electro Bubble Buddy LSV 4 Passenger Police Hard Door arrived on campus in the spring semester, thanks to a grant from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for equipment needs that could enhance campus safety.*
The electric vehicle helps Virginia Western Campus Police serve students and employees with a variety of needs while being able to navigate campus more nimbly than in a full-sized police vehicle. Two main areas of need were assisting stranded motorists and aiding campus community members who have requested a police escort, especially after dark.
The MotoEV can travel on sidewalks and other places a regular vehicle can’t go, giving Campus Police a new tool in the tool belt to serve the community.
* This project was supported, in whole or in part, by federal award, awarded to Treasurer of Virginia by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.