Welcome back to campus! Beginning January 18, Brown Library’s hours will be: Monday 8:00am-8:00pm Tuesday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm On Saturdays, the Testing Center will be open 9:00am-1:00pm. The remainder of the library building will be closed. All of the library’s electronic resources and 24/7 chat service are accessible on the website. Students in need of a tutor may login to Navigate, through MyVWCC, to schedule an appointment. The Online Writing Center and BrainFuse tutoring, accessible through MyVWCC, are also available. If you have any questions about our resources or services, please give us a call at 540-857-6442. We look forward to seeing… Continue Reading Spring 2022 Hours
The top floor of Brown Library is open 8am-5pm January 10-14 for loaner laptop checkouts. Please bring a valid photo ID and wear a face covering while in the building. Questions? Call 540-857-6941.
As we head into the final weeks of classes and exams, Brown Library is ready to help you finish strong. The ground floor (Testing Center) and first floor (open computer lab & study rooms) are open Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm, Friday 8am-5pm, and Saturday 9am-1pm through December 17th. The second floor is open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm for computer use and study rooms through December 17th. Appointments for tutoring, exam review, and writing consultations are still available! Log into MyVWCC, choose “Navigate Student,” click the Appointments tab, and choose “Schedule an Appointment” to pick a day and time that works for your tutoring session.… Continue Reading Finish strong!