We hope that many of you will return to visit the library this fall. Our normal hours, when classes are in session, are: Monday: 8AM-8PM Tuesday: 8AM-8PM Wednesday: 8AM-8PM Thursday: 8AM-8PM Friday: 8AM-5PM Saturday: 9AM-1PM The library is closed whenever the campus is closed for inclement weather and holidays. The library will check out laptops for the entire semester to students… Continue Reading Welcome to Fall 2021Read More
InfoGuides are a great place to start your research. They contain suggested databases, search tips, videos, citation guidance, and much more. To access a list of our InfoGuides, organized by Subject Area, choose “InfoGuides” from the library’s homepage. To see a list of article databases, choose “Find Articles” from the library’s homepage and select “Databases.” All… Continue Reading Online HelpRead More