1. Awards Conferred
Goal/Target: Virginia Western will increase the total number of awards conferred by 2% from the previous year.
Threshold of Acceptability: Virginia Western’s maintain the total number of awards conferred from the previous year.
Source: SIS
Frequency of Assessment: Annually

Conclusion: In 2023-2024, VWCC conferred 1,298 awards. This is an increase of 14.3% from the previous year, meeting the goal of increasing awards conferred by 2%.
2. Number of Graduates
Goal/Target: Virginia Western will maintain the total number of graduates from the previous year.
Threshold of Acceptability: Virginia Western’s total number of graduates will be within a -2% change from the previous year.
Source: SIS
Frequency of Assessment: Annually

Conclusion: In 2023-2024, VWCC graduated 1,035 students. This is an increase of 11.7% from the previous year, meeting the goal of maintaining the total number of graduates.
3. Overall Cohort Graduation Rate
Goal/Target: Virginia Western will have an overall cohort graduation rate of 35%*.
Threshold of Acceptability: Virginia Western will have an overall cohort graduation rate of 32%.
Source: IPEDS
Frequency of Assessment: Annually
* Cohort consists of full-time, degree-seeking students with no prior college experience who graduated within federally defined IPEDs rate of 150% of normal graduation time

Conclusion: 41% of Virginia Western’s Fall 2020 cohort graduated within the IPEDS defined 150% normal graduation time. This meets the goal of 35%.
3a. Overall Cohort Graduation Rate by Gender
Goal/Target^: 34% of men and 36% of women will graduate within 150% time.
Threshold of Acceptability: 31% of men and 33% of women will graduate within 150% time.
Source: IPEDS
Frequency of Assessment: Annually

^ Goals for 3a, 3b, and 3c are based on 5-year averages; threshold of acceptability is 3% below the 5-year average
Conclusion: 40% men and 41% of women in Virginia Western’s Fall 2020 cohort graduated within the IPEDS defined 150% normal graduation time. This meets their respective goals for graduation within 150% time.
3b. Overall Cohort Graduation Rate by Financial Aid Status
Goal/Target^: 30% of students that receive a Pell Grant will graduate within 150% time; 33% of students with a Stafford Loan (no Pell) will graduate within 150% time; and 41% of students that don’t have Pell grants or Stafford loans will graduate within 150% time.
Threshold of Acceptability: 27% of students that receive a Pell Grant will graduate within 150% time; 30% of students with a Stafford Loan (no Pell) will graduate within 150% time; and 38% of students that don’t have Pell grants or Stafford loans will graduate within 150% time.
Source: IPEDS
Frequency of Assessment: Annually
^ Goals for 3a, 3b, and 3c are based on 5-year averages; threshold of acceptability is 3% below the 5-year average

Conclusion: Students from the Fall 2020 cohort that receive Pell grants, students that have Stafford loans, and students that have neither are meeting their respective goals for graduation within 150% time.
Updated: September 9th, 2024
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Roanoke, VA 24015