I’m just days away from a proper summer vacation, and I’m excited about my beach reads: “High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out” by Amanda Ripley: In a July interview with the American Press Institute, Ripley talked about how journalism can help hyperpolarized communities find common ground. I was intrigued by… Continue Reading What are you reading? (Comments are open)Read More
Virginia Western Community College faculty and staff are invited to our first Adult Learner Summit during fall in-service (the week of Aug. 16). Details coming soon!Read More
As much as I want to eat healthy, so much comes down to convenience. For me, cooking is more of a chore than a creative act. This is why I loved “Meals that Heal,” a cookbook that showed me how to eat more anti-inflammatory foods. Author Carolyn Williams (PhD, RD) recommends having easily accessible, minimally… Continue Reading 6 summer recipes: Transform pantry staples with Co-op Quick Meal CardsRead More
Wendy Holmes In May, Virginia Western announced its 2021 special awards for faculty and staff. Perhaps you noticed Wendy Holmes, a Financial Aid and Records Specialist, won two awards: (1) Classified Outstanding Achievement Award and (2) the STAR Award (Service, Teamwork, Achievement, and Results). This seemed like a huge accomplishment — and I was struck… Continue Reading Q&A with Wendy Holmes, award-winning financial aid specialist who ‘always greets everyone with a smile and a heart to serve’Read More
I’ve long joked that we could connect current, past, and prospective students through bowling nights organized by college focus area. The idea was sparked as I was analogizing Guided Pathways with bumper bowling, which blocks the gutters and provides an almost effortless path to higher scores. I was reminded of my bowling night idea as… Continue Reading Would cultivating ‘career communities’ change how we see ourselves?Read More
We’re approaching July 1, that time of year when our Finance office is humming and new VCCS initiatives officially begin, such as the G3 program and the Opportunity 2027 Strategic Plan. Virginia Western is working hard to finish our own strategic “bridge” plan, aligning our energy and assorted initiatives like Indiana Jones: This is also… Continue Reading Happy New Fiscal Year! And thanks to these grant championsRead More
I doubt the new strategic plan from the VCCS is on your summer reading list, but here’s why it should be: We all need to see the big picture. I read reports and plans like this as part of my job in the grants office. When we are considering grant opportunities, we make sure our… Continue Reading 5 big takeaways from the new VCCS strategic plan (and why reading it is important)Read More
One of the best pieces of creative advice I’ve ever read was this: “The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.”— David Ogilvy, the “father of advertising” And so, not only do I lean into my humor on the regular, but I make sure to follow that advice in formal… Continue Reading Now hiring: Fralin Futures Success Coach (and cohort wizard)Read More
Every two years, the Aspen Institute awards a $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence — what President Barack Obama described as “basically the Oscars for great community colleges.” The 2021 winners were announced earlier this month. And lo and behold, Amarillo College — which I have spotlighted before — was recognized with a… Continue Reading Community college excellence comes down to this 4-letter wordRead More
Image from Pixabay Many times during the pandemic, I have felt like an astronaut, flying solo in my home office “spaceship,” connected only through email and Zoom portals. We’ve relied on email to share information long before COVID, but our disrupted year gave me the space to really reflect on the communication that happens in… Continue Reading 5 email rules I learned as a Zoom astronautRead More
About Shelley
Shelley Lyons is glad to be back on campus as she is a Virginia Western alum, and has served as the Administrative Officer for Grants Administration at Virginia Western since early 2022. Prior to VWCC, her career focus was within the Human Services and Arts fields. She wrote her first grant in 1996 on a whim and has continued to plan and learn since that time. She most enjoys seeing a well-planned project come to fruition, where funder, project manager and beneficiaries can all feel success and see impact.
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