Have you looked through the Fall 2021 In-Service Agenda yet? I’m a former calendar editor who LOVES to sift through itineraries, choosing my own adventures, so that’s what I’ve done below.
The Adult Learner Summit, part of our five-year Get REAL project, is a series of sessions peppered throughout the week. Some sessions are offered more than once, and all will be available through Zoom, offering maximum flexibility. Check it out:
Monday, Aug. 16
3 to 4 p.m.: VWCC CPL Overview
There’s a lot more to CPL than just AP classes. Join Cathy Ferguson for a brief overview of this vital program and its benefits.
4 to 5 p.m.: Faculty Resources for Career Readiness
Join Shonny Cooke as she identifies what career resources are available for VWCC students and the crucial role faculty play in directing students toward them.
Tuesday, Aug. 17
3 to 5 p.m.: Adult Learner Advising
ST 114/Zoom
Based on the AL360 survey results, this session will give participants a chance to consider how VWCC can better incorporate career advising into its student orientation module and provide a more holistic advising and referral process. Presented by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).
Wednesday, Aug. 18
3 to 5 p.m.: Credit for Prior Learning
ST 114/Zoom
Based on the AL360 survey results, this session will examine how VWCC can build on its current CPL program in both processes and student awareness. Presented by CAEL.
Thursday, Aug. 19
2 to 4 p.m.: Integrating life & career planning in curriculum
ST 114/Zoom
Based on the AL360 survey results, this session will focus on building career awareness into experiential learning and capstone classes and how career planning can be integrated into program of study. Presented by CAEL.
Friday, Aug. 20
1 to 2 p.m.: VWCC CPL Overview
There’s a lot more to CPL than just AP classes. Join Cathy Ferguson for a brief overview of this vital program and its benefits.
2 to 3 p.m.: Faculty Resources for Career Readiness
Join Shonny Cooke as she identifies what career resources are available for VWCC students and the crucial role faculty play in directing students toward them.
All session material, including in-person sign ups, Zoom links and registration links will be provided in the Canvas In-Service Site. You must self-enroll using the following link: https://learn.vccs.edu/enroll/XTENPY
Note: You may be asked to login to MyVWCC first. Once Canvas opens, simply click the ENROLL button and you will be added to the course. Once you have enrolled in the course, you will find it in your Dashboard whenever you log in to Canvas.