There are many different ways you can contribute to Virginia Western Community College. The Virginia Western Educational Foundation makes it easy for you to support academic excellence, which in turn changes lives and builds our community. Below are ways you can make an impact.
Cash is always an easy option. When you give a cash gift to the Virginia Western Educational Foundation, your out-of-pocket cost may be less than the amount of the gift because of the income tax deduction you are allowed. Keep in mind, actual savings from the tax deduction will vary due to your tax rate and other factors. Generally, the higher your tax rate, the greater your savings.
You may find it more advantageous to give your gift in stock, especially appreciated securities. Please reach out to the Foundation to explore the benefits of this option further and learn more about our investment manager, Goldman Sachs.
Click here for security gift form/instructions. (PDF)
Personal Property
Your gifts of real estate, equipment, artwork, books, and other non-cash items are considered gifts of personal property. Your deduction will depend on the appraised value and how Virginia Western will use the item.
Estate Bequest
Making a commitment now ensures future students will reap the benefits of your generosity. You can make a deferred gift to Virginia Western when you include specific language in your will naming the Educational Foundation as a recipient of your planned gift. Your will can include gifts of property (cash, securities, and personal property), a percentage of your estate; or the remainder of your estate after all other bequests have been filled. Your attorney can help you plan a bequest that best suits your needs. Click here for more information on planned giving.
Life Insurance
There are two ways you can give a life insurance policy to Virginia Western to make the Educational Foundation either the beneficiary or the owner of the policy. If your family responsibilities are not as substantial as they once were, then your gift of an insurance policy that is paid up or partially paid up may be beneficial. Consult your life insurance agent for more details on the various types of insurance gifts you can make to Virginia Western. Click here for more information on planned giving.
Retirement Plan
Naming Virginia Western as a beneficiary for a portion of your retirement savings is another way to make a charitable contribution to the College. The administrator of your IRA, profit-sharing account, or other retirement plan should be able to help you with this. Click here for more information on planned giving.
Life Income Gifts
In some instances, you can place money in a qualified trust that will provide income to you (or another loved one) for life. The remaining principal of the trust is then paid to the Educational Foundation upon your death or other specified date. These trusts, which are often referred to as charitable remainder trusts, assure you of income while providing an immediate charitable deduction. To get more information about trusts, please contact your financial advisor or the Educational Foundation office. Click here for more information on planned giving.
Naming Opportunities
The Virginia Western Educational Foundation has numerous naming opportunities across our beautiful 70-acre in Southwest Roanoke. From naming an existing building to endowing an academic program to naming a prominent public area, the College has a range of options available. Please contact Amanda Mansfield at 540-857-6962 to discuss what naming opportunity may be right for you or your organization.
Donor Advised Fund
If you make your charitable gifts from an existing DAF or donor-advised fund, the Foundation’s Tax EIN is 52-1200913.
These tax-advantaged charitable accounts are increasingly popular for donors across many income levels. If you have a charitable investment account with an organization like Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable Fund, Vanguard Charitable Endowment, or other similar foundations, this may be an affordable way for you to designate a gift today. Please remember that you already received a charitable tax deduction when you funded your DAF account, so the Virginia Western Educational Foundation cannot issue additional tax deductions for gifts from a donor-advised fund.
Contact Us
Fishburn Hall – F214
Fax: 540-857-6370
TTY: All users: 711
Mailing Address:
3093 Colonial Ave. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
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