A student’s military training, courses, and occupational specialty may all be considered for college credit. Virginia Western follows the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services in determining the value of learning acquired in military service when applicable to the service member’s program of study. Military service credit in the occupational/technical areas (i.e., Engineering, Health Technology) may require approval by the appropriate school dean prior to award.
In order to receive credit for military training, the student must submit a military transcript which includes the ACE recommended credit. Note: If the student submits only the DD214 and no military transcript, only credit for HLT 110 will be awarded. Students who have completed basic training, regardless of the date of military experience, and have been honorably discharged may receive up to three credits for HLT 110.
The DSST program, formerly known as DANTES, is currently offered by Prometric. Virginia Western may award course credit for acceptable DSST scores, as recommended by the ACE. DSST credit cannot be given for a course that is not offered by the college. A complete listing of current and prior tests and recommended scores may be found at: www.GetCollegeCredit.com.
Each branch of the service has its own transcript request service. Depending on the branch in which you served, a transcript can be requested from the following:
Air Force:
Website: https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Registrar/Transcript-Requests/
CCAF/DFRS, Simler Hall STE 128, 130 West Maxwell Blvd, Maxwell AFB AL 36112
Army, Coast Guard, Navy, or Marines:
Joint Service Transcript (JST) website: https://jst.doded.mil/official.html
For JST Technical Issues: NETPDTC , ATTN: JST Operations Center N615 , 6490 Saufley Field Road,
Pensacola, FL 32509, email: jst@doded.mil
Credits 2 Careers (C2C)
C2C is a personalized virtual counseling tool that will provide military-connected users to instantly get an estimate of potential credits from your Military education, experience, and training.
Students can access the Credits2Careers portal at: https://www.credits2careers.org/ or by logging into their MyVWCC account.
Contact Us
Cathy Ferguson
Credit for Prior Learning Specialist
Records Office
Chapman Hall C107
Fax: 540-857-6102
Mailing Address:
3094 Colonial Ave. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015