Credit by challenge examinations is a means of achieving credit for prior learning by satisfactorily demonstrating subject-matter competency through an examination developed, administered, and evaluated by college faculty. Challenge exams are not required to be offered by Virginia Western and most courses do not have a challenge exam offered. To inquire if a challenge exam is available, the student should reach out to the faculty member teaching the course. If a challenge exam is offered, the student must complete the Application for Challenge Exam (PDF) with either the faculty member or program head. The request will be submitted for review and approval by the program head and the dean of the associated program. The student will be notified of approval to take the exam and the date and location for the exam. If the exam is to be taken in the Testing Center, the student is required to call and schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are not allowed. On the day of the exam, bring the completed and approved Application for Challenge Exam along with the photo ID to the Testing Center. The student will be notified by email of the award or denial of the credit.
Challenge Exam Requirements:
- Student must complete an Application for Challenge Exam (PDF).
- Local challenge exams may only be attempted one time.
- Any class that has already been taken and received a letter or pass/fail grade cannot be attempted through a challenge exam.
- Student must be registered in the semester in which they want to take the exam.
- If a CLEP test is available, the challenge exam is not an option.
- 70% or higher is considered a passing grade.
- Grade does not count toward a student’s GPA.
- Does not count towards the college’s residency requirement of 25%.
- Grade will show as a T on the student’s transcript in the Other section.
- No charge for a challenge exam.
- Challenge Exam FAQs (PDF)
- Credit for Prior Learning Home
- Prior Learning/Graduation Requirements
- Credit for Certifications, Credentials and Evaluated Programs
- Military Training
- Credit by Exam
- Credit by Evaluated Program (ACE/NCCRS)
- Prior Learning/Work Experience/Portfolio Assessment
- Previous College/Transcript Evaluation
- Reverse Transfer
Contact Us
Cathy Ferguson
Credit for Prior Learning Specialist
Records Office
Chapman Hall C107
Fax: 540-857-6102
Mailing Address:
3094 Colonial Ave. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
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