Nastazja Bennett
Educational Foundation scholarship: Franklin County CCAP
Program of study: Business
Dear future self,
You are 18 writing this, and hopefully in the next 10 years you will be the successful businesswoman you have always dreamed to be. I hope you are financially and mentally stable. I hope you have your family and dream house with your luxurious shower and substantial back yard.
I hope you have traveled out of the country and have been to many states by now. I hope your nieces and nephews are looking up to you. I hope you have made mom and dad proud. I hope you have overcome the obstacles that kept you up late nights. I know you’ve worked so hard to get here.
You have finished your time at Virginia Western and now have your business degree from UNC Charlotte. Now, you’ve been working in the business field for five years. Your hair business is flourishing and is now international.
You have found yourself after all these years of being lost. You have found your worth and purpose. You are genuinely happy and healthy. All of those late nights studying and long days working have paid off. This journey is only getting better and continue to be head strong. Also, remember that success is not final and failure is not fatal.
Nastazja Bennett