All employees of VWCC are required to have a VWCC ID badge in their possession and must present it upon request of Campus Police, faculty, or staff. This ID badge is important for you to have as you conduct college business, such as traveling and purchasing.
New employees must have their ID badge issued within 30 days of beginning employment.
Our Human Resources Office will generally take care of full time employee ID badge photos as part of the onboarding process. Adjunct faculty and part-time staff should speak to their supervisor about completing an ID Badge Request Form. IDs are created in Chapman Hall Monday – Thursday 8am – 5:30pm and Friday from 8am – 5pm. No appointment necessary. Adjunct faculty are provided semester stickers to place on their badge which indicate that the badge is current for the semester. Current semester stickers are issued in Chapman Hall. Please contact Nickole Toler with any questions at
If an ID is lost or broken, please contact Nickole Toler for a replacement.
VWCC Alerts
We use the VW Mass Notification System to immediately contact you during a major crisis or emergency. Get more info and register!