Reminder for those of you entertaining wonderfully creative ideas for 2022 Innovation Grants, the deadline is Friday March 25, 2022! Started/almost finished your proposal? Seek out Shelley Lyons, VWCC Administrative Officer for Grants Administration. With her expertise in grant writing, Shelley can provide you with lots of good pointers. Remember, your proposal requires signatures from (Read the full article…)

ODU will be hosting a virtual graduate school information and panel discussion on Wednesday, March 30th from noon until 1 pm. In honor of Women’s History Month, this session will highlight women who are current ODU graduate school students and alumnae. While this session is to celebrate and encourage women to pursue graduate studies, the (Read the full article…)

Students, are bills are overwhelming? Feel like you are in crisis-mode? Are gas prices limiting you getting to school for classes? Need help to get through to the end of the semester? Apply for assistance of up to $500.00 through the Rapids Response Student Emergency Fund. Go to for details. Click on blue Apply (Read the full article…)