The spring semester has been busy for Recruitment and other outreach Departments. In partnership with Frank Tyree, Roanoke City CCAP (Community College Access Program) Success Coach, the Recruitment Team has been working to assist our high school seniors with the next steps for enrollment. We have visited every area high school on multiple occasions to (Read the full article…)

Congratulations to the following employees who are the April 2023 You Make the Difference recipients receiving a set of movie passes: Sharnice Mayo  – “Sensational and professional assistance in preparing for the Chancellor’s visit.” Rebekah Williams – “Superb service to library visitors and willingness to help with extra projects.” Tyler Garner – “Being so kind, (Read the full article…)

Our campus signage will undergo a transformation over the coming months–enhancing pedestrian wayfinding and adding to the beauty of our campus. The signage project was born out of the recommendations received from college senates and student and employee surveys to improve campus wayfinding signage. A Signage Workgroup was formed to include campus-wide representation of students, (Read the full article…)

During our Town Hall meeting on 4/13, someone requested an update on 2022-23 enrollment numbers. While we do not have official information for the academic year as a whole, below you will find enrollment information for Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 as of 4/17/23. Virginia Western has seen an increase in unduplicated headcount (Read the full article…)

Visit the Arboretum before the end of the month to see the Pinwheels for Prevention on display in the annual beds. This is the 12th year the Community Arboretum has collaborated with Children’s Trust of Roanoke to place the pinwheels during Child Abuse Prevention Month. The pinwheel represents the amazing childhoods we want for all (Read the full article…)