Now that the new website has been launched, you may need to update links you have posted in your Canvas courses or other documentation. For Canvas, you can use the link validator tool to help find the links that need to be updated: Below are the addresses for a number of services and items (Read the full article…)
Community college excellence comes down to this 4-letter word
Every two years, the Aspen Institute awards a $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence — what President Barack Obama described as “basically the Oscars for great community colleges.” The 2021 winners were announced earlier this month. And lo and behold, Amarillo College — which I have spotlighted before — was recognized with a runner-up “Rising Star” award. The first-place (Read the full article…)
2021 Special Award Recipients
Virginia Western proudly announces the recipients of the 2021 special awards! J. Andrew Archer Teaching Award “By word and deed, your presence has enriched the lives of students and served as an example for all.” Aliya Khan, School of STEM Darla Summers, School of HP Ann Runyon, School of BTT Alexander Scott, School of LASS (Read the full article…)
5 email rules I learned as a Zoom astronaut
Many times during the pandemic, I have felt like an astronaut, flying solo in my home office “spaceship,” connected only through email and Zoom portals. We’ve relied on email to share information long before COVID, but our disrupted year gave me the space to really reflect on the communication that happens in between our Zoom (Read the full article…)
CommonHealth Virtual Program – Better Nights Ahead
Need guidance tackling obstacles that are keeping quality sleep at bay? CommonHealth is ready to assist you! Join Sue Perry and CommonHealth for a virtual program: WHEN: Thursday, June 3, 2021 @ 2pm WHERE: Zoom – If you’re ready to sleep better and wake refreshed, go to for more information.