Online classes accounted for more than half of course enrollment in AY20-21. To review more data like this visit the VWCC Fact Book.

Please complete the ICAT. It’s only open through December 20. Achieving the Dream’s (ATD) Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT) tool is designed to examine seven broad capacity areas that contribute to a college culture focused on student success. Your response will help identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. You can read more about (Read the full article…)

Virginia Western has long carried the tradition of highlighting two local charities to support leading into the winter holidays. The pandemic put a pause on this tradition, and we are ready to bring it back! This month we wish to feature and collect donations for our very own  Virginia Western Student Co-op, fueled by Kroger (Read the full article…)

The Spring 2022 In-Service Agenda is now posted on the Academic & Student Affairs website. The In-service Canvas site is open that contains Zoom meeting links and pre-registration information. The Canvas site also contains latest agenda and the most updated daily schedule.  In-Service Letter In-Service Agenda

Let us know what professional skills you believe our students could benefit from learning the most! Last semester, our college selected Professionalism/Soft Skills as our QEP topic. The QEP, or Quality Enhancement Plan, is part of our SACSCOC accreditation and will be implemented on our campus from 2023 to 2029. Our current goal is to (Read the full article…)