As part of Virginia Western’s continued efforts to support the health and safety of our campus community, we are proud to launch a COVID-19 Vaccination Card for Gift Card Program for students enrolled in Fall Semester 2021 classes. Beginning on July 15, 2021, students can participate in this completely free and voluntary program by confirming (Read the full article…)

In May, Virginia Western announced its 2021 special awards for faculty and staff. Perhaps you noticed Wendy Holmes, a Financial Aid and Records Specialist, won two awards: (1) Classified Outstanding Achievement Award and (2) the STAR Award (Service, Teamwork, Achievement, and Results). This seemed like a huge accomplishment — and I was struck by the comments that accompanied her awards (Read the full article…)

“Vaccines are important. While the attention has been on the COVID-19 vaccine, there are other routine, life-saving vaccines that are necessary for good health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has noted a significant and troubling drop-off in the delivery of essential immunizations because of the COVID-19 pandemic1. While it may be more (Read the full article…)