What’s KnowBe4? KnowBe4 is the new vendor for IT security awareness training that will replace Global Learning System Security Awareness Training. Do I complete my training now? We are not ready for you to complete your training yet, but please be on the lookout for more information and details about this new system. If you (Read the full article…)

We aren’t making noise or a big fanfare this year. Because we’re listening. We’ve learned so much from our students this past year.  And of all we’ve heard about their needs, it’s the power of their spirit to rise and succeed that speaks the loudest.  Be a voice of hope.  By supporting the 2021-2022 Employee (Read the full article…)

Please join us to help celebrate Lori Baker’s retirement from 3:00-5:00 pm on Monday, August 30 in the Natural Science Center. Drop by to congratulate Lori and wish her well. As Lori would say “the devil is in the details” so come prepared to share those details that you have most appreciated about Lori’s time (Read the full article…)

Jars full of rocks and sand don’t look like much … but they changed my life. Let’s talk about those jars and your priorities this semester on the grants blog. Thank you for reading. Why does Stephanie Ogilvie Seagle feature free learning opportunities on the Green House Grants Blog? Because we transform ourselves by learning like our students. 

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) is excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new and secure accommodations management system called Accommodate by Symplicity. The pandemic, quarantine, and remote learning/working experience quickly propelled ODS into re-evaluating all administrative, student, and instructor procedures. What became very apparent is ODS operations were ready to move into (Read the full article…)