This may be the last week of our campaign, but The Road to Cybersecurity never truly ends. It takes small precautions from each of us, every day, to keep ourselves and the organization secure. Remember, you don’t have to be a cybersecurity expert to stay safe and secure. Follow our security policies to make sure (Read the full article…)

The Grille at the Commons will be closing for the fall semester effective Thursday, 10/28.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my retirement celebration. I appreciated the baked good, cupcakes and fellowship! It was very therapeutic to hit the COVID piƱata as well! Thanks also for those who sent texts and emails. I grew up at Virginia Western, both personally and professionally. I started here as the Student Activities Coordinator (Read the full article…)

Midterm grades looking a little scary? Schedule appointments for academic coaching and tutoring online using Navigate Student in the MyVWCC portal:   or  use the Online Writing Center to get your paper reviewed:

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) lists Adaptivity as one of the Ten Principles for Effectively Serving Adults. In their 2019 Forum and News, Scott Campbell, CAEL’s former Vice President for Higher Education states, “As we were helping colleges identify their capacities–what they’re good at, what their challenges were, where there were disconnects–we (Read the full article…)