Summer Police Training

Just a note for campus awareness. There will be periodic regional police trainings happening on and around campus this summer. Virginia Western’s Campus Police Department in partnership with Jeff Dodson our Criminal Justice Program Head, have worked together to facilitate this training. You may on occasion see an increase in parked police vehicles or police activity around campus. Do not be alarmed by this, it is likely our regional police partners are on campus honing their skills. We may host a variety of small trainings such as crime scene, K9, police bicycle, or active incident response. None of these will disrupt campus operations and all will be clearly identified as training through appropriate signage. Live weapons will never be deployed or actively displayed. Each time we schedule a law enforcement training, we will notify the campus through a Daily Bulletin post and will garner the pre-approval of the affected building’s Dean. We seek to foster strong relations with our regional partners by offering practical training locations which in turn will generate goodwill and future support for our college and for our Criminal Justice program. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at the police department – Craig S. Harris (540) 857-7797.