Don’t Forget to Register for the Virtual Adult Learner Success Summit

Despite the average age of community college students being 28, college’s structures, processes, and cultures are often designed based on the learning and support traditional 18-21-year-old student. This can result in adult learners taking longer to complete their credential, stopping or dropping out, or not getting connected to their local college at all.

This half day Summit, taking place on May 11 from 11:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET, will explore the diverse experiences of adult learners (students aged 25+) and share high impact practices colleges can implement to better serve these students. As part of the ATD Network, this summit is offered at no cost to VWCC employees.

Sessions will explore how colleges can:

  • Build successful relationships with historically underserved neighborhoods in their community.
  • Implement strategies that support diverse student populations, particularly on the intersection of race, gender, caregiving responsibilities, and socioeconomics.
  • Learn about teaching and learning strategies and program design that impact enrollment, retention, and workforce connections.
  • Create a seamless experience between non-credit, credit, and adult education programs.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! You can review the summit agenda and register at