Recruitment Department Updates – Spring 2023

The spring semester has been busy for Recruitment and other outreach Departments. In partnership with Frank Tyree, Roanoke City CCAP (Community College Access Program) Success Coach, the Recruitment Team has been working to assist our high school seniors with the next steps for enrollment. We have visited every area high school on multiple occasions to schedule New Student Advising appointments, apply for and accept Educational Foundation scholarships, and assist students with outstanding financial aid tasks. Nickole Toler, Get Real College Affordability Navigator, has been actively working with our prospective adult students and community partners.  

We held a Rock Enroll contest to encourage returning students to meet with their program advisors and enroll during the priority enrollment period. The team also offered spring break tours for area high school seniors. We offered nine tours over the regional spring break dates and had an excellent turn out for these sessions. We would like to thank Rick Henegar and Chad Heddleston for speaking to each group and showcasing your area. Special thanks to Chef Z for hosting a tour at the culinary complex! General campus tours are offered weekly. If you would like to feature your area on next year’s tour list, please let us know.  

The Marketing department redesigned our new student advising guide and Print Services has helped us with a series of enrollment mailers and handouts. 

We are gearing up for an exciting series of welcome events for the summer. We are hiring our next set of student ambassadors to be orientation leaders and campus tour guides. The “Worlds of Opportunity” New Student Bash will take place in mid-June, and we are teaming up with the Austin Pryor and the Program Advisors to offer Discover orientation sessions in July and August.  

To view our past and upcoming events please go to If you have questions, please reach out to Allison Dooley at or Rachel Higgins at