Ensure your voice is heard when the new VCCS Chancellor visits Virginia Western

The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) is actively preparing for the arrival of our new chancellor, David Doré, EdD, on April 1. As part of his onboarding process, it is important to Dr. Doré that he has the opportunity to visit all 23 of Virginia’s community colleges during his first weeks on the job. His visit to Virginia Western will happen on Tuesday, April 4.

The VCCS transition team has created a brief survey to solicit feedback about the strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats facing Virginia’s community colleges and the communities we serve now and in the future, as well as to identify ways VCCS can be of support. Because Dr. Doré won’t be able to meet every person on campus during his brief visit, your participation in the survey allows your voice to be heard. Your feedback is anonymous and will be combined with your colleagues, as well as students and community partners, to help identify themes to guide big picture conversations during Dr. Doré’s brief visit to Virginia Western.

Please take a few minutes to click the survey link below before Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 11 pm:

VCCS Chancellor Listening Tour Feedback Survey

The Virginia Western community offers an array of diverse viewpoints. Please ensure your valuable and unique viewpoint is included in the themes set before Dr. Doré during his visit by taking the survey today.