Culinary alumna featured in publication

National Culinary Review, the publication of the American Culinary Federation, featured ACF Chef Hannah Brinner in the September/October 2022 issue. Brinner is chef de cuisine at Center Stage Catering in Rocky Mount. The story and photo package highlighted her classical and modern take on chicken adobo, the national dish of the Philippines. Brinner credited her mother, who is Filipino, with providing her a love of the dish and pleasant memories of its place in important occasions. After sharing the classical presentation of chicken adobo, Brinner explained how she creates a more deconstructed version for a modern twist.

Before the past year, none of Virginia Western’s students or alumni had been featured in National Culinary Review. This year, instructor John Schopp and three graduates of the Culinary Institute have been included: Brinner, David Carachure and Josh Wasky. A fifth chef featured this past year, Andre Ellis, is a member of the local American Culinary Federation (ACF) chapter.