I Persist


Get Inspired and Recharge with the I Persist Panel Discussion
Could you use some encouragement and inspiration? Then make sure you attend the I Persist Panel Discussion that will be held in Whitman Theater on Wednesday, September 21 from 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm. The panel will be made up of individuals who have faced and overcome many of the same challenges you face in pursuing your academic goals. Panel members will share their personal journeys to success and answer questions from the audience.
A reception will follow the event in the lobby of Whitman following the panel discussion.
PANELISTS: Dr. Milan Hayward - Vice President of Workforce Development; Virginia Western Community College
Davina Gardner - Social Worker, Virginia Western Alum
Rolando Holmes - Director of Programs; The Foundry; Virginia Western Alum
Doug Pitzer – Educator and Entrepreneur; Strokes of Genius, LLC.
Nickole Toler - College Affordability Navigator; Virginia Western Community College; Virginia Western Alum

MODERATOR: Brittny McGraw – News Anchor; WSLS TV 10
For more information on the I Persist Panel Discussion, please contact the TRIO Pathways: Student Support Services Office, at 540-857-7289 or pathways@virginiawestern.edu.

TRIO Pathways is excited to reconvene our PERSIST panel discussion to be held on Wednesday, September 21 at 12:00 noon in Whitman. It’s our 3rd such event wherein we invite faculty, staff, students and members of the community to attend this free panel discussion where local leaders share inspiring stories of how they overcame obstacles to gain their education and build fulfilling lives and careers.

PANELISTS: Dr. Milan Hayward – Vice President of Workforce Development; Virginia Western Community College
Davina Gardner – Social Worker, Virginia Western Alum
Rolando Holmes – Director of Programs; The Foundry; Virginia Western Alum
Doug Pitzer – Educator and Entrepreneur; Strokes of Genius, LLC.
Nickole Toler – College Affordability Navigator; Virginia Western Community College; Virginia Western Alum

MODERATOR: Brittny McGraw – News Anchor; WSLS TV 10
For more information on the I Persist Panel Discussion, please contact the TRIO Pathways: Student Support Services Office, at 540-857-7289 or pathways@virginiawestern.edu.