Faculty/Staff Focus Group – Shortened Sessions


As we consider the possibility of shortened session classes, please refer to the Canvas site for information and research. Additionally, focus groups will be held to determine the feasibility of shortened session classes (8 week sessions). The following times are available:
• Faculty/Staff Zoom Focus Group: Sept. 21 at 6 pm
o https://vccs.zoom.us/j/5408576077
• Faculty/Staff Focus Group: Sept. 22 at 9 am in B10 (Bottom Floor of Brown Library)
• Faculty/Staff Focus Group: Sept. 22 at 2:30 pm in B10 (Bottom Floor of Brown Library)
Please attend. Your thoughts and questions are important and we want to hear them.

In addition to the focus groups, our ATD consultants will be on campus on Sept. 26 and 27. During their visit, we will hear from Cecilia Wheeler, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Vance-Granville Community College in NC on their transition to shortened session classes. This presentation will be on Sept. 26 in the afternoon and will include time for Q&A. Times and location will be announced.

As we consider the possibility of shortened session classes, please refer to the Canvas site for information and research. Additionally, focus groups will be held to determine the feasibility of shortened session classes (8 week sessions). The following times are available:
• Faculty/Staff Zoom Focus Group: Sept. 21 at 6 pm
o https://vccs.zoom.us/j/5408576077
• Faculty/Staff Focus Group: Sept. 22 at 9 am in B10 (Bottom Floor of Brown Library)
• Faculty/Staff Focus Group: Sept. 22 at 2:30 pm in B10 (Bottom Floor of Brown Library)
Please attend. Your thoughts and questions are important and we want to hear them.

In addition to the focus groups, our ATD consultants will be on campus on Sept. 26 and 27. During their visit, we will hear from Cecilia Wheeler, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Vance-Granville Community College in NC on their transition to shortened session classes. This presentation will be on Sept. 26 in the afternoon and will include time for Q&A. Times and location will be announced.

Sign up here: Faculty Focus Group Sign Up