VWCC’s Food Co-Op Nears 2,000 visits in AY 2021-2022!

Did you know that during the 2021-2022 academic year, VWCC’s Food Co-Op was utilized 1,952 times by 229 students?

Utilizing sign in data provided by the Student Activities Office, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness analyzed the traffic trends and demographic breakdown of students who visited the Food Co-Op during the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters.

Here are four fun facts from the report:

  • Of the 135 students who utilized the co-op in Fall 2021, 81% either graduated in Fall 2021 or re-enrolled in Spring 2022.
  • Of the 166 students who utilized the co-op in Spring 2022, 11% graduated in Spring 2022.
  • 45% of co-op patrons were enrolled at VWCC full-time (students who were enrolled in 24 or more credits in academic year 2021-2022).
  • 63% of patrons were Pell-eligible.

Additional demographic and traffic trends are detailed in the full report, which can be found in VWConnect and on our website.