Update from Marketing & Strategic Communications: Campus Maps & Business Cards

It’s us again! We’ve updated the Campus Maps folder on the H Drive with new maps, so if you’re using a map that still has Anderson Hall on it, or one that shows Colonial Avenue as a one-lane dirt road, then it might be time to update that map you have pinned to the cork board outside your office. You can find updated maps here: H:\VWCC Templates_Campus Art\Campus Maps. Please use these on your cork boards, and there are a couple maps that are print quality. The ADA Campus Map Handout Print is great for handing out to students or keeping at your front desk for visitors!

Now that we’ve navigated the maps update, let’s talk about business cards. If you need new business cards, please reach out to Print Services via the Print Services Request Form. We have a new business card design, so you can stop passing around that old template and let us upgrade you to something more fashionable.

Thank you, and you’ll hear from us again soon.