The ALICE Series: Engaging Our Under-Resourced Students

Successfully serving under-resourced students will be a key to creating the future, skilled workforce required by the Commonwealth. Are you ready to meet this challenge on our campus? This interactive series of workshops will examine economic class and the implications for engaging under-resourced students. Each session will be offered Live via Zoom. No registration required. Simply join as you are able.

Zoom Details (same link for the entire series)

Meeting ID: 815 6814 0371
Passcode: 351672

ALICE Session 1: Let’s Meet ALICE
November 29 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Participants will be introduced to the ALICE population, those members of our community who are Asset Limited Income Constrained and Employed and will engage in data from their own regions. We will review some of the latest research about what ALICE in Virginia needs and their view of education.

ALICE Session 2: Under-Resourced Students and Hidden Rules of College
November 30 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

What impact does not having enough resources have on our students? What barriers do students need to overcome to meet our expectations? We will examine how we can create environments that are inclusive for all students.

ALICE Session 3: Relationships and Motivation: Building Bridges for Student Success
December 1 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

What does it take to build connections with students? How can relationships affect student success and improve motivation? We will explore strategies to connect with students and consider factors that can influence motivation both in an out of the classroom.

ALICE Session 4: Building Cognitive Skills: Strategies to Improve Student Success
December 2 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

What skills are necessary to succeed in a college classroom? What can be done to assist students who are missing key skills? We will discover ways to help students create success strategies in the classroom and workplace.

ALICE Session 5: Language and Communication: Missed Opportunities for Connection
December 3 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Communication is critical to our work as educators, but often we find our messages are not getting through to our students. We will review the role of language and communication in building positive relationships and connections.

For additional information about these sessions, please contact Laura Clark, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Success and Professional Development & Executive Director, Virginia’s Community Colleges Student Success Center ( or Caroline Lane, Director of Coaching Programs (