Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Race Against Ransomware

The Road to Cybersecurity is lined with signs that indicate whether an email or web page is safe or a security threat.

Here’s the catch. Cybercriminals are smart and do their best to hide their tracks. That’s why it’s important to be suspicious.

Don’t be afraid to question the legitimacy of an email and if something looks suspicious — report it!  The below information on ransomware explains one of the most popular ways cybercriminals are attacking our valued information.

Safe travels!

–Your ITS/Information Security Team

Race against ransomware

Ransomware is a specific category of malware that causes harm to the computer and the computer system. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency defines ransomware as “an ever-evolving form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering any files and the systems that rely on them unusable.” Threat actors are the hackers behind these attacks. They often form a group to execute the attacks.

According to the Institute for Security and Technology, “Ransomware is not just financial extortion; it is a crime that transcends business, government, academic and geographic boundaries. It has disproportionately impacted the healthcare industry during the COVID pandemic, and has shut down schools, hospitals, police stations, city governments and U.S. military facilities.”

Ransomware has become a global challenge. Organizations all over the world are at risk of these attacks. An attack in one country can easily spread across borders, intentionally or not.

Another reason for the growing global issue is cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is untraceable, making it nearly impossible to catch the hackers. This form of currency is also borderless: it is a global currency that can be used by anyone.

Despite the size of the problem, one person can really make a difference. Remember the most important behaviors to help stop an attack on your organization: go slow, be suspicious, verify, report any concerns and follow policies and procedures.
