Welcome our new Get REAL Career Advisor!

We’re excited to welcome Andrea Martin, the new Get REAL Career Advisor. Andrea’s first day with Virginia Western was October 11.  She is the latest addition to the Get REAL team and will focus on supporting non-traditional and under-resourced students as they access academic and training opportunities.  She will assist students with career and financial planning and connect them with resources that encourage program persistence and pave the road for economic success.  Andrea’s office is located in the Hall Career Center.

Andrea Martin

Andrea has a BA from Emory & Henry College in Psychology and Public Policy and Community Service and an MA from Penn State Harrisburg in Community Psychology and Social Change. She has worked in the Roanoke Valley since returning from graduate school, serving in nonprofit, local government, and higher education sectors.  When asked why she chose to join the VWCC team, she said, “The Get REAL position really called to me. It is a culmination of my degrees and each position that I have held previously. I have most recently been in career development at a local University but in my past positions I worked directly with clients to teach soft job skills or provide volunteer or internship opportunities to community members. It just seemed like a natural fit.” Andrea wants to have a positive impact on the community and help others achieve their goals through education.

Here are a few facts about Andrea.

Hometown: Roanoke, VA

First job: Family owned business, Tanning consultant for TanLine Tanning Salon, started at the age of 12 and worked until it was sold in 2004. 

Proudest career accomplishment: I am sure I have some personal achievements, but I love seeing the outcomes of working with students or clients. As cliché as it sounds, the best accomplishment is seeing a student achieve their goals or grow from an experience. Seeing someone finish their degree or get that job or internship that they thought they could not get is what it is all about!

Favorite music: 80’s (like old school Madonna, or Cyndi Lauper if I need a pick me up) but I tend to lean towards Americana or American Rock Bands at other times. Pretty much anything but classical or hardcore heavy metal!

Favorite TV: Cheesy Sitcoms, Comedy, Mystery Thrillers – Just not Reality TV. I have never watched one single episode of The Bachelor! 

If you had to pick one favorite movie: Sweet Home Alabama – I love Reese Witherspoon, anytime it is on I will watch it.

Book recommendations: I have been reading The Beach House Series by Mary Alice Monroe most recently. I tend to only read when sitting on a beach without other distractions.

Favorite Roanoke-area restaurant(s): Farmburguesa, Elderberry’s, Mac & Bob’s – I really like to eat so I could name many more!

Favorite candy: Dark Chocolate or Fireballs

I could talk for hours about . . . anything! I talk a lot

Random fun fact:  I am a certified Pilates instructor