2020 Clery Report Now Available

The 2020 Annual Safety and Security Report (Clery Report) is now available on the college’s website at the following link (https://www.virginiawestern.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2020_annrpt.pdf).  Publication of this document as part of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. 

Virginia Western is committed to providing the campus community with the safest environment possible.  The Clery Report provides general safety information as well as available statistics of all reported crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings, property owned or controlled by Virginia Western, and public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from each respective location. The purpose of the reports is to provide information about security on campus to include: campus and community crime statistics, policy information, safety tips, resource phone numbers, and a brief overview of the many services the college provides.  If you have questions or you would like a hardcopy of the report, please contact Campus Police at: (540) 857-7979.