Innovation Grant Lab series: What problem are you trying to solve?

Image by bluebudgie from Pixabay

Hello, and welcome back to the Innovation Lab!

We just started an asynchronous workshop series: How to Design a Successful Innovation Grant, and there’s plenty of time to catch up. 

The series began in September, and it will end in March 2022, the same month Innovation Grant proposals are due to the Virginia Western Educational Foundation.

Hopefully this approach will help you slowly explore your ideas — on your own time, at your convenience — as you continue to juggle your regular to-do list. 

Let’s review some of our Lab Lessons so far, including:

 #1: Grant proposals are not time wasted … even if you FAIL

 #2: Know the rules of the game

Now we’re ready for Lab Lesson #3 — which I consider one of the most important in my grant journey:

#3: Focus on NEEDS first, solutions second.

My last day at Virginia Western is Oct. 1 (I explain more), but this Innovation Grant series will continue. I’ve always thought these grants could help foster a more creative — and joyful! — culture.

I’m scheduling the next segment to publish on Oct. 27, when we will focus on demystifying your project budget.

Let’s look at the path ahead:

SeptemberPut on your thinking caps …
OctoberData: What problem are you trying to solve?
NovemberBudget: How will you do it?
DecemberCollaboration: Who will you connect with to make this successful?
JanuaryOutcomes: What does this change look like if you’re successful?
FebruarySustainability: Why would this grant be a good investment?
MarchFinish line: Proposal ready to submit! Huzzah!

Bookmark the Green House Grants Blog to follow the series.

You better believe I’ll be following up with the Foundation to hear about your awesome ideas. And you can always find me on Twitter and LinkedIn. Please stay in touch!