Your dedication and service to the Commonwealth of Virginia is highly valued and appreciated! To us, you’ve reached the stars, and Virginia Western wants your stardom to shine at the annual Public Service Excellence Employee Recognition Event!
Employees are welcome to come dressed in work-appropriate celebrity costumes. The first 80 employees that arrive at the event will receive a swag bag! Recognize and show off your peers at the event by completing a paper golden star to thank a peer for being a part of the Virginia Western family and for work that is well done. The completed stars will be publicly and proudly displayed throughout the college during the traditional Virginia Public Service Week in May.
Thank you for making a difference to the college, our community, and to the Commonwealth of Virginia!
Public Service Excellence Employee Recognition Event
Natural Science Center
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Seasons and Occasions – assorted pinwheels, macaroni salad, assorted chips, cookie and brownie platter, fruit infused water and lemonade
Employees must RSVP of their plans to attend the event. RSVPs are sent to Denise Schuh at by Friday, March 28, 2025.