Feb 15/16 Weekend Network Service Outage

Network Service Outage – What is happening?

  • IET will be working with our new infrastructure provider Extreme Networks engineering team over the February 15/16 weekend to complete the network transition to the new Extreme network hardware.
  • Due to mitigating factors, the entire migration was not fully completed, leaving a combination of the old and new system in place.
  • This action will complete the move from the old hardware to the new system. Some issues with network access in the past few weeks are related to the incomplete project and should be resolved by finishing this work.

What will be offline and what will be available?

  • Wifi and wired connection to virtual machines, physical desktops and phones will be offline. All connectivity on campus will be down.
  • Access to virtual machines from off campus will not be available.
  • The campus emergency alert system and energy management system will also be offline.
  • VWCC email will be available.
  • VCCS email, Canvas, SIS and other enterprise systems will be available and can be accessed by employees from home, directly to those systems, through MyVWCC web access.

When will services go offline and when will they be restored?

Saturday, February 15th  

  • IET will wait until after the library closes and start taking systems offline at 2 PM.
  • After 2 PM, users will not be able to access their virtual machine from off-campus or use any network systems on campus including: computers, phones and wifi.

Sunday, February 16th

  • All VWCC systems will continue to remain offline and users will not be able to access their virtual machine from off-campus or use any network systems on campus.
  • Sunday evening, IET will bring systems back online, test and continue to monitor changes.
  • IET will send another employee DList when services have been restored.