How to Submit to the Bulletin

With the new semester beginning this tends to be an especially busy time for the Weekly Bulletin. We’ve had a lot of new faculty and staff join our team as well, so we wanted to take this opportunity to give everyone a quick refresher on how to make submissions to the Weekly Bulletin and the deadlines for having submissions included in the email version. The link to these instructions is also included at the top of the page every week.

To submit an item for posting on The Weekly Bulletin, you must first register for an account. For registration instructions, please see How to Register. Once you are registered, to submit an item:

  1. Click the Log in link under Register/Login in the sidebar.
  2. Enter your username and password and click Log In.
  3. On the left hand side of the screen, click Add New under Posts.
  4. Beneath Add New Post, enter a title for your post.
  5. Enter your text into the text area.  You may use the tools there for formatting, and if you click the last button on the right, a second row of tools will appear.
  6. Choose a Category from the list.  If you fail to choose a category, it will default to Campus News.
  7. When you are finished, on the right click Publish and then Submit for Review.

The email version of the bulletin is sent out every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. To ensure that your submission is included it must be submitted by the preceding Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. Submissions that come in after that time will be included in the following week’s bulletin email. While we try to be accommodating regarding how many weeks a bulletin item is included in the email version, there are times where we may have to make space for newer announcements.