VWCC Excited to Join the Safe Farm Steward Program

Virginia Western Community College’s Dr. Berry and Dr. White recently participated in a Safe Farm Steward training program in Tennessee developed by the University of Kentucky, the University of Maryland, and the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.

Agriculture is one the most dangerous professions in America. This program recognizes farms for their safe practices and brings in a new pair of eyes to help identify areas that could pose a safety risk in the future. The goal of this project is to bring awareness to potential hazards and reduce injuries by large equipment, allowing farmers to keep up the essential work of growing America’s food.

Virginia Western is the only institution in Virginia to begin certifying farms within our state, and is excited to certify more this year. Currently, twelve institutions across the southeast have recognized over 200 farms as Safe Farm Stewards.

To complete a free application, a VWCC representative makes a short visit to the farm. Any farm with at least 5 pieces of farming equipment that has been used in the past 3 years can apply. The application identifies areas that could pose a safety hazard in the future, like old hydraulic lines, or broken shields and guards. All of the information gathered stays confidential and is solely used to help generate a Farm Safety Report that helps the farmer identify things to fix that will improve safety. If a farm receives over a 70% on their application, they become a Certified Safe Farm Steward. If they receive below a 70%, a representative from the University of Kentucky helps them identify ways to make improvements that can lead to a future certification.

After a farm is certified, they receive:

  • A free Certified Safe Farm Steward sign to display on their farm
  • A free Farm Safety Report to review and consider the recommended safety adjustments for their equipment/facilities
  • A free Press Release and Social Media post for the farm to share their honor with others in the community.

If you’d like to nominate a farmer or have someone help fill out an application for your own farm to become a Certified Safe Farm Steward, fill out this form to begin the application process. Learn more about this important project and see which farms have already been certified at safefarmsteward.org.