Reviewing Syllabi with Equity in Mind

August 14 at 11 a.m. Reviewing Syllabi with Equity in Mind: Just in time for back to school, a team from Germanna Community College will discuss how to create an equity-minded syllabus. A syllabus is often a student’s first introduction to a course. Traditionally, syllabi are viewed as contracts between students and instructors, outlining course content and expectations for evaluating student outcomes and performance. They often serve as artifacts that reveal assumptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs that shape teaching. In this session, the presenters will walk attendees through practices that can create a syllabus that welcomes all learners and engages them in the course from the beginning. Presenters: Mirela S. Fetea, Ph.D., Professor of Physics; Julia M. Hamel, Biology Faculty and Science Department Co-Chair; and Cory MacLauchlin, English Department Chair and incoming Faculty Senate President at Germanna.

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