“Intentional Inclusion: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Students in the VCCS” Upcoming Sessions

The Professional Development/Events Committee of the Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culture has organized two sessions focused on Intentional Inclusion.

  • June 11 at 2 p.m.:  Creating a Caring Campus: Patrick & Henry Community College has answered our strategic plan’s call to create a “culture of care.” Attendees will learn about the conversations employees are having to become a Caring Campus for students and employees. Find out about the ten-foot rule, warm handoffs, and more.  Colleges can identify behaviors and conversations they can replicate to transform their colleges into stronger caring spaces. Register here: https://vccs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvfuGhqDItEtRc-UQ9_eO0zGVeIhvbx9cC
  • Coming in August, join Germanna Community College faculty members for a session on making your syllabus review session, designed to make your course more accessible and equitable. Details to come.