Stand Out. Move Forward: Preparing for Professional Success

With SACSCOC on campus next week, make sure that you know what VWCC’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is. The goal of a QEP is to show that the institution is committed to continuous improvement via improving student learning outcomes and/or student success.

Topic: Professional Readiness

Audience: Associate degree-seeking students (AA/AS/AAS)

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Accountability – Associate degree-seeking students will be able to demonstrate accountability.
  • Professional Verbal Communication – Associate degree-seeking students will be able to articulate concepts in a professional manner.
  • Professional Written Communication – Associate degree-seeking students will be able to write professional communications. 

To learn more, please go to VWCC’s QEP: Stand Out. Move Forward. – Accreditation/Approval – Virginia Western Community College. If you have any questions, contact Casey Lofton at