Town Hall Enrollment Update

During our Town Hall meeting on 4/13, someone requested an update on 2022-23 enrollment numbers. While we do not have official information for the academic year as a whole, below you will find enrollment information for Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 as of 4/17/23.

Virginia Western has seen an increase in unduplicated headcount and full-time equivalents (FTEs) each semester and we are performing better than the VCCS as a whole. Thank you to everyone for their tremendous dedication and hard work to enroll and retain our students!

Summer 2022

VWCC saw an increase of 6.51% in unduplicated headcount (compared to VCCS decrease of 2.65%) and an increase of 6.86% in FTEs (compared to a VCCS decrease of 5.41%) from Summer 2021 to Summer 2022.

Unduplicated Headcount% HC Change from Summer 2021Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)% FTE Change from Summer 2021

Fall 2022

VWCC saw an increase of 4.18% in unduplicated headcount (compared to VCCS increase of 1.62%) and an increase of 2.75% in FTEs (compared to a VCCS increase of 0.21%) from Fall 2021 to Fall 2022.

Unduplicated Headcount% HC Change from Fall 2021Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)% FTE Change from Fall 2021

Spring 2023

VWCC saw an increase of 5.69% in unduplicated headcount (compared to VCCS increase of 1.40%) and an increase of 3.32% in FTEs (compared to a VCCS increase of 0.27%) from Spring 2022 to Spring 2023. This data is as of April 17th, 2023.

Unduplicated Headcount% HC Change from Spring 2022Full-Time Equivalents (FTE)% FTE Change from Spring 2022