“Tour Your Future” Event

Last Thursday, adults and community leaders  from NW Roanoke met at the new EnVision Center and boarded a bus bound for VWCC’s first “Tour Your Future” event.  CCT’s machining classroom/lab on Melrose Avenue was the first stop followed by its truck driving training site.  Participants were able to see equipment and learning space first-hand, interact with program instructors, and ask questions concerning program length, cost, employer needs, and more.  The bus then headed for campus where the group learned about Virginia Western’s comprehensive nursing pathway opportunities and toured nursing labs.  After a full morning, it was time for a break.  While everyone enjoyed lunch, the Get REAL team discussed available adult learner supports such as college affordability navigation, career advising, and credit for prior learning.  CCT staff were also able to promote upcoming Fast Forward courses.  The group then headed downtown to the Claude Moore Education Complex to learn about culinary arts. This pilot event was a success and is another positive step toward expanding VWCC community engagement efforts. If you’re interested in participating in one of these events in the future please contact Crystal Hall in the IE office.