Have you seen the new Strategic Plan? Visit the VWCC Strategic Plan Share Point site for the full plan. Here are the highlights:
Goal: Improve diversity, equity, and inclusion by: 1. Creating a more inclusive campus culture, and 2. Improving recruitment of students and employees from underrepresented communities
Goal 1: Increase enrollment
Goal 2: Provide access to education through financial assistance
Goal 3: Increase access to a high-quality affordable education that is accessible to everyone
Goal 1: Increase retention of underserved and non-traditional populations
Goal 2: Improve student success in the areas of graduation, transfer, or completion of a workforce credential
Goal 1: Prepare and facilitate students for career attainment success
Goal 2: Utilize VWCC resources to further develop the community
Goal 3: Develop a workforce that meets regional employers needs
RESOURCES to Support the College’s Mission, Vision, and Values
Goal 1: Ensure high-quality facilities for programs and services
Goal 2: Ensure adequate human capital to support the programs and services
Goal 3: Enhance accountability and transparency by focusing on results
Goal 4: Maximize new and existing funding sources
Goal 5: Be an innovative leader in the community