Virginia Western Public Service Excellence Award Nomination Period: April 6 – April 20, 2022

The Virginia Western Public Service Excellence Award is designed to recognize employees whose performance or actions make a positive impact at the college and/or throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.  This award is presented earlier than the traditional Public Service Week in May so that we can accommodate our college business practices.

Virginia Western employees do remarkable work every day in the spirit of our profession and pride for our community.  Excellence in state government service presents itself in many ways.  Examples include demonstrating professional knowledge that enriches the college and/or the Commonwealth of Virginia; conducting community work and/or volunteerism; exhibiting excellent customer service; demonstrating and encouraging inclusion; consistently representing the college and/or the commonwealth in a positive and professional manner; or innovation that saves taxpayer or college dollars.

Supervisors, co-workers, or colleagues can submit an employee nomination for consideration.  You may also self-nominate with supporting corroboration. Eligible employees consists all full-time faculty and classified staff, adjuncts, and regular classified wage employees.  Up to three recipients will receive a $200 honorarium with their name and the reason(s) for the nomination posted on the college’s Bulletin.

The nomination form is located on VW Connect/Human Resources/Rewards and Recognition Forms or contacting Denise Schuh in Human Resources.  Submit the completed nomination form electronically via email to  no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. 

Please contact Human Resources with any questions.