Search Advocacy Training

Search Advocacy training will be offered during in-service. It is an active recruitment tool that can be used in both faculty and staff searches. A Search Advocate is a consultant/participant who advances inclusive excellence by asking questions to help search committee members:

  • Test their thinking
  • Identify and promote practices that advance diversity and social justice
  • Minimizing the impacts of cognitive and structural biases. 

A Search Advocate:

  • Provides impartial guidance to the hiring manager, search committee chairs and members throughout the search process
  • Facilitates up-front discussion and ground rules for how to handle known applicant issues and conflicts of interest
  • Asks questions to help committee members clarify their thinking
  • Serves as process advisor watching for things such as negativity bias, halo effects, proxy qualifications, references to “good fit,” and airtime issues.

This is a 5-day training from 9 to 10:30 and requires pre-registration.  Please pre-register by clicking the link below: