Last Chance: Complete our QEP Survey!

Let us know what professional skills you believe our students could benefit from learning the most!

Last semester, our college selected Professionalism/Soft Skills as our QEP topic. The QEP, or Quality Enhancement Plan, is part of our SACSCOC accreditation and will be implemented on our campus from 2023 to 2029.

Our current goal is to select key professional skills and behaviors to include in the QEP to help our students enter their career field as qualified, contributing members of their team, and we need your help narrowing down what skills to concentrate on!

Please go to and fill out our survey by Friday, December 3rd so that we can learn what professional skills you believe VWCC students would benefit most from learning!

Thank you to everyone who has already taken time to complete it!

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Tucker or Casey Lofton.