Supporting STEM and equity on campus … and more free professional learning opportunities

Kelly Mack, Ph.D.

As you probably know, I’m a big fan of the Future Trends Forum with Bryan Alexander. Every Thursday afternoon, Alexander hosts some really fascinating higher education authors/leaders in a virtual forum that encourages questions from the audience.

Back in March, I blogged about his conversation with Dr. Paul LeBlanc, president of Southern New Hampshire University.

Years ago, Alexander introduced me to the work of Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom — author of “Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy.” Since then, Dr. Cottom has received a MacArthur “genius grant” award … and now she’s a New York Times columnist!

So what I’m trying to say is that I always learn something cool when I tune into the forum.

And here’s a bonus tip: If you can’t join the live conversations, Alexander posts YouTube recordings here. I usually carve some time out on Fridays to watch any forum recordings I’ve missed.

On Thursday, Sept. 16, the forum will host Kelly M. Mack, Ph.D., who will help explore the question:

How can we best support underrepresented populations in STEM study?

Below are the details, followed by this week’s roundup of free professional learning opportunities.

And don’t forget about our “How to Design a Successful Innovation Grant” virtual workshop series, which starts this month.

A growing list of professional development during the month of September can be found here.

The Future Trends Forum with Bryan Alexander

The Future Trends Forum: Discussions about the future of education and technology with writer/futurist Bryan Alexander. 

Thursday, Sept. 16, 2 p.m.: Supporting STEM and equity on campus
How can we best support underrepresented populations in STEM study? What are the connections between growing STEM enrollment and overall academic equity? With Kelly M. Mack, Ph.D., Vice President, Undergraduate STEM Education; and Executive Director, Project Kaleidoscope, Association of American Colleges and Universities. Prior to joining AAC&U, Dr. Mack was the Senior Program Director for the National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Program while on loan from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) where, as a Professor of Biology, she taught courses in Physiology and Endocrinology for 17 years.

More upcoming programs. Video recordings available on YouTube.

The #RealCollege Virtual Journey

The #RealCollege Virtual Journey, sponsored by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice. A series of online workshops and engaging activities led by experts and delivered free of charge. The theme for September is Student Advocacy.

Wednesday, Sept. 22, 3 p.m.: Empowering Students to Lead Change
How to engage students in basic needs programming, benefit enrollment outreach activities, and institutional change management. Register here.

Recordings of previous events are available by scrolling down this page.

The Chronicle of Higher Education virtual events

Chronicle of Higher Education. Free virtual events (and plenty of previously recorded webinars):

Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2 p.m.: Enhancing the Student Experience
The COVID era has taught colleges many lessons about creating an effective learning experience. In this virtual forum, a panel of experts shares their thoughts on how COVID has influenced their understanding and how it may continue to evolve.

Register for the Chronicle webinars here

VCCS: The ALICE Series

The ALICE Series: Engaging Our Under-Resourced Students

Successfully serving under-resourced students will be a key to creating the future, skilled workforce required by the Commonwealth. Are you ready to meet this challenge on your campus? This interactive series of workshops hosted by the VCCS will examine economic class and the implications for engaging under-resourced students. Each session will be offered Live via Zoom twice during the fall semester. No registration required.

  • Monday, Sept. 13, 12:30 p.m.: Let’s Meet ALICE
  • Tuesday, Sept. 14, 12:30 p.m.: Under-Resourced Students and Hidden Rules of College
  • Wednesday, Sept. 15, 12:30 p.m.: Relationships and Motivation: Building Bridges for Student Success
  • Thursday, Sept. 16, 12:30 p.m.: Building Cognitive Skills: Strategies to Improve Student Success
  • Friday, Sept. 17, 12:30 p.m.: Language and Communication: Missed Opportunities for Connection

Details and Zoom link available here.

Bookmark the VCCS professional development website

VCCS: Go2Knowledge webinars and on-demand training

Go2Knowledge: All VCCS faculty and staff have free, unlimited access to live webinars and on-demand training provided by Go2Knowledge. The live webinars are highlighted at the top of the Go2Knowledge dashboard, but you can search through an entire library of recorded, on-demand sessions on topics including teaching and learning, campus safety, institutional effectiveness, and student success.

Some upcoming live webinars:

  • Monday, Sept. 20, 1 p.m.: Removing Barriers: Using Online Videos As Your FYE Textbook to Improve Access & Equity
  • Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1 p.m.: Designing Student-Centered Flexible Assignments While Still Meeting Curricular & Pedagogical Goals

You can access Go2Knowledge on your MyVWCC dashboard or here:

Thank you for reading. Why does Stephanie Ogilvie Seagle feature free learning opportunities on the Green House Grants Blog? Because we transform ourselves by learning like our students. All of us are teachers and learners, no matter our titles.

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